Club History

Birmingham Rowing Club was founded in 1873. It has a long and interesting history, which is detailed on the pages below.
From the Edgbaston Guide and Directory, 1853:
“The Reservoir is situated at the bottom of Lady Wood Lane or of the continuation of it which is now called Reservoir Lane. it is a noble expanse of water, covering about 70 acres, surrounded, or nearly so, by an extensive plantation, through which a walk has been formed, so as to enable the visitor to make the entire circuit of the lake, and thus forming, in the Summer months, a delightful promenade. The entire enclosure, which was laid out about 18 years since, is estimated to cover about 100 acres. The public were admitted without difficulty for a considerable time, but at length it was found necessary to close the door, and place some limit to the indulgence.”
Note: The date given is inaccurate presumably as the above was repeated in The Guide from year to year without amendment to the “18 years since”. In fact the Reservoir was constructed in the years 1825-27 by Thomas Telford as part of his canal works.
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